
Blog Post 18 (Extra Credit #4)

It is always cool to look back at my basketball card collection as a kid and romanticize about my favorite athletes and look at their states and photos from long ago. This scan features 8 different card from my collection of over 1,000 that I saved growing up. Being a designer now, it is cool to see things in a different light, as I now look at the design, typography, spacing, and colors of each individual card. The backs of these cards include tables of statistics, along with a paragraph about the player and an image. Most of these cards use mainly sans serif type. Some of these cards are from the mid to late 2000s, while some are from the mid 1990s. It is cool to see different styles as they evolved and how each card has a different design front and back, trying to include all the information necessary on a small piece of card stock. This is something I have not always looked in depth at, but I now enjoy looking at the different methods of combining type, color, photography, and de

Blog Post 17 (Extra Credit #3)

Another project from my portfolio. This is one of my favorites for a couple reasons. First, because it has a lot of meaning to me. This player, Keifer Sykes, who now plays professionally overseas, reached out to me about 4 years back and wanted me to make some designs for him. Being in high school at the time, I would do anything for a Division 1 college athlete, even if it was for free, as an opportunity to enhance my portfolio. This is not the first piece I made for him, but it is one of many. I actually got the chance to meet him and I made this design shortly after. This design is also one of my favorites because it uses type to illustrate the image or showcase individual parts within the image. The typeface is a serif, I don't recall what the exact font was. What attracts me to this piece is the movement within the image created by warped text. This design was made by me in April 2015, and he used it as his profile picture on social media for a while, which was really cool

Blog Post 16 (Extra Credit #2)

This is another project from my own portfolio. It's another wallpaper I made for my room. The font I used is a sans serif, it's called "NBA New York Knicks." It says "I will never lose my passion". I think I did a solid job using the text as a special effect and keeping it legible at the same time. I wanted to use some perspective on this, sort of to create the feel that the image is moving from the center on out. I am attracted to this because I spent a good 5-7 hours making everything as I wanted, and I like how the perspective of the title creates movement within the design. I used Adobe Photoshop to create this, I made it a couple years back while experimenting with my typography skills.

Blog Post 15 (Extra Credit #1)

This is a project from my own portfolio. I make sports wallpapers in my free time, and this is a design I printed off and put on my wall. The font I used is a decorative font, but I rasterized the type so I could not check what the font was. It says "ZION", the name of the athlete shown, and it is inverted when it intersects with his body to create contrast. I think I did a great job not only with the contrast, but with the sizing. The contrast helps the sizing work effectively, otherwise it would be illegible and simply in the way of the image. It is hard to say exactly why you are attracted to your own work, but I will say I am attracted to this because of the fact that I explored a new style, and managed to make this look exactly as I wanted. This is not a publication design, but I thought it would be cool to showcase some of my own work and how I use typography.

Homework 14

This design makes me sort of uncomfortable, yet I am strangely attracted to it. The type is serif, I think it may be Times New Roman. Maybe the "VooDoo" type gives off a dangerous, creepy feel to the viewer. Or maybe it's the dark background that collaborates with the fire to create a chaotic, spooky, yet silent image for the viewer to investigate. Whatever it is, it's very successful. Everything is legible, and the use of color is successful because it's just enough color to draw the reader's attention without interrupting the dark mood that the designer wanted to create. I was attracted to this because of odd, abstract, surreal look in this design. It doesn't really fit my style, yet I was attracted to it because of it's uniqueness. This is a scan from the inside of St. Louis Rams game day program from October 2008.

Homework 13

Did I mention I love sports? The cover type is sans serif. I am unsure of the specific typeface, but I would categorize it as more of a decorative font with a geometric feel. The designer made a good choice to go with a white background, as it fits with the image and goes along with the silent mood the cover athlete is portraying. Another element I really appreciate about this is the sizing. The "NEXT" type is the same height as the image, so both compliment each other well. I was attracted to this because of the simplicity, as with many of my other posts. I like the use of yellow, and the little black arrow created as a symbol within the text.This is a scan of an ESPN the Magazine issue from April of 2018.

Homework 12

Colors, decoration, detail, and large type really take this design to the next level. The cover type is what I would classify as a decorative type, and I am unsure of the specific typeface. The paragraph type, is serif, probably Times New Roman if I had to guess. The designer did a great job here and even took some risks. It isn't easy to go with a dark background and have everything be flavorful and legible at the same time, but the designer pulled it off. I was attracted to this because of all the little details and the use of color. I also love the use of 3D, as it is something I would like to learn myself. I absolutely love the glowing effect created within each character as well. This is a scan of an ESPN the Magazine issue from April of 2018.