Blog Post 18 (Extra Credit #4)

It is always cool to look back at my basketball card collection as a kid and romanticize about my favorite athletes and look at their states and photos from long ago. This scan features 8 different card from my collection of over 1,000 that I saved growing up. Being a designer now, it is cool to see things in a different light, as I now look at the design, typography, spacing, and colors of each individual card. The backs of these cards include tables of statistics, along with a paragraph about the player and an image. Most of these cards use mainly sans serif type. Some of these cards are from the mid to late 2000s, while some are from the mid 1990s. It is cool to see different styles as they evolved and how each card has a different design front and back, trying to include all the information necessary on a small piece of card stock. This is something I have not always looked in depth at, but I now enjoy looking at the different methods of combining type, color, photography, and design elements on each individual card, which attracts me to these cards as much as they did when I was still a kid.


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