
Showing posts from March, 2018

Homework 9

I have always loved sports ever since I was a little kid. I want to pursue a career in sports with design, and this program cover is the type of work I like to create. The cover type is sans serif, I think the font used is probably "Frutiger" because I work with the University of Illinois style guide a lot and that is the main font of their brand. The simplicity allows for the viewer to admire everything, including the image, background, type, and colors. I love the use of color in this design, as the background does not clash with the white text, instead the text and background compliment each other perfectly. I was attracted to this because of the simplicity, and the overlapping of image and text. This is a scan of the 2016-17 University of Illinois Men's Basketball program. 

Homework 8

Something I always love to see is when type is successfully blended with photography. This is a scan of a truck advertisement in a magazine. The type is sans serif, but it's more of a geo-metricy sans-serif, if that makes sense. The designer did a quality job on this ad, starting with the variance in tnot only type size, but type weight. The decision to go with all-caps for all the text in a design can be risky, but it paid off here. Everything that needs to be emphasized is emphasized. Images are color graded perfectly to fit with the with type. I was attracted to this because of how the typography and photography blend together in perfect harmony, with all the information being conveyed to perfection. This is a scan from the inside of ESPN the Magazine, July 2017.

Homework 7

This is a scan of an inside page in a magazine. The body type is serif, and the headlines are sans serif. I think one of the fonts is New Roman, but I am unsure on the font for the headlines. There is plenty of space in this design, but I like it that way. The viewer will not be distracted by jumbled up elements, and can see the whole page as it was meant to be portrayed. I love that the article is not just simple type and an image, but that it includes an illustration, as well as breaks in the text and subtle emphasis on certain parts. This is a scan from the inside of ESPN the Magazine, September 2016.

Homework 6

This is a scan of an advertisement in a magazine. The type is sans serif, I think one of the fonts is Arial, but I am unsure on the font from the Geico logo. There is plenty of space in this design, but I like it that way. The viewer will not be distracted by jumbled up elements, and can see the whole page as it was meant to be portrayed. I love the variance of type size in this ad, as it creates emphasis on the parts that are more important, and draws the viewer to one part of the page, which allows the reader to slowly draw themselves to the rest of the information. What I have always admired about Geico is that they can successfully advertise their message with something completely irrelevant to insurance. In this, Geico is using humor to grab the audience's attention. I was attracted to this because of the use of multiple type sizes, and how the image at the top is interesting and draws the viewer in. This is a scam from the inside of ESPN the Magazine, September 2016.