Homework 10

If you've read this blog before, you may be asking yourself, "Does Hayden only post sports related images?" The answer is yes, pretty much most of my posts come from a sports related source, haha! The cover type is serif, but it is used for more of a decorative look. The paragraph at the bottom is sans serif, possibly using Arial. The "RANKED NATIONALLY IN THE FIELD" type is not actually a part of the field in this image, but the designer did a great job making it look at though that is the case. For ads in the inside of a magazine, it is not uncommon for the headline text to be significantly larger than everything else, and that is the case here. This piece is an example of how you can work with typography in different ways in different programs. For example, the large text was likely done in Photoshop, and the text at the bottom was more than likely created with InDesign. This is a scan of a game program from a St. Louis Rams game in October of 2008.


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