Homework 11

Car advertisements are always interesting to look at. You can go with a photographic approach, or you could go with a colorful, more futuristic look. This design combines both in it's own unique way. The body, headline, and subhead type is all sans serif. I suspect that it may be a font like Arial or something similar. The designer made a good choice to go with a white background, as it helps separate the car from the background, showing the cleanliness and smoothness of the vehicle. I was attracted to this because of separation of all the content. You have the company logo and headline at the top, along with the subhead and body copy underneath. In the middle you have the image of the car, the product being showcased. At the bottom you can see the company logo, tagline, and website. I like the use of a limited color palette in this design as it really emphasizes what's important. This is a scanned page from a University of Illinois program from 2017.


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