
Showing posts from February, 2018

Homework 5

This is a scan from the inside of a story in a magazine along with an advertisement at the bottom of the page. The page is split so that the story uses the top half of the page, and the ad is on the bottom half. The type is a serif, I'm guessing the font is Times. I love the kerning in this page, it is fitting for a regular body text, and allows the reader to continue reading along the lines with no distractions. What attracted me to this was the use of imagery in the advertisement to help it blend with the page as a whole, but not distract the reader at the same time. This is a scan from the inside of ESPN the Magazine, in early October 2016.

Homework 4

This scan is a page from the inside of a story in a magazine. This page includes both serif and sans serif type. I am guessing that the typefaces are Arial and Times New Roman, although I am not quite sure. The spacing and quality of the typography here is fitting for that of the inside of a magazine publication. The variance of color, type style, type size, and spacing gives emphasis to certain parts over others, and creates a sense of variety and balance. What attracted me to this is the use of multiple fonts, colors, spacing, and the breaks in the page. This scan is from a September 2016 edition of ESPN the Magazine.

Homework 3

This is a scan from a book. The layout of this page is intended to showcase a chart as well as writing. The quality of typography is pretty good, and I love the use of photography as a background. The main type is a sans serif, probably Futura or something similar. The type inside the table at the bottom left is a serif, I am not quite sure what that font could be. What attracted me to this piece was the use of photography, and how the page includes both regular type as well as a table of information. This scan is from the same source as my last post, "For the Love of the Game," by Michael Jordan.

Homework 2

This is a page from Michael Jordan's autobiography "For the Love of the Game." Forgive me for not being able to fit the full scan on screen. What I really love about this page design is the space of the layout. It really allows the view to be attracted to everything the page has to offer. The quality of the typography is nice because of this spacing. I love the use of black and orange text because it perfectly fits the warm color of the photography. Tracking and kerning is perfect. The larger type is sans serif, with the body text at the bottom being serif. If I had to guess the type, I would guess that the serif text is Times, and that the sans serif is Futura. What attracted me to this piece was the use of warm colors, the spacing, the different in text size, and the photography. Pretty much everything works together in harmony.